Policy & Cookies

Last updated 1th January 2024

1. Introduction

Processing of personal dataLast updated 1th January 2024
As a customer on GoAllWhite.com, certain personal data is collected and processed in different ways. Below is information about the treatment and your rights as registered.

The person/company responsible for the personal data processing is:
Go AllWhite AB
, info@goallwhite.com
You may contact Kevin Negash to revoke your consent to our processing of your personal information.

2. Purpose

We protect your privacy. You should be able to feel secure when you entrust us with your personal information.
As a customer with us, your information is processed to the extent necessary to administer the customer relationship and to enable us to fulfil our obligations to you. In addition, the information is used to offer personalized offers to you as a customer. The processing is based on the agreement or customer relationship that arises in, for example, an order. Marketing is sent to you as a customer based on either express consent or a balance of interests carried out by us.

3. Personal Data That We Process

We use X as the provider of our checkout. This means that we might transfer your personal data in the form of contact and order details to X when the checkout is loaded, in order for X to manage your purchase.
The following are examples of the personal data we process:
• Name
• Address
• E-mail address
• Phone number
• Information that you registered yourself and voluntarily state.

4. Storage

The customer’s personal data is stored as long as the customer relationship persists and thereafter the time required or allowed according to legislation and practice at any given time.
For additional information about our payment provider, X’s privacy policy see the link below.https://payments.qliro.com/checkout/tac/integrity_policy_en_v2.pdf

5. Customer Reviews

Go AllWhite AB may contact you via email to invite you to review any services and/or products you received from us in order to collect your feedback and improve our services and products (the “Purpose”). We use an external company, Trustpilot A/S (“Trustpilot”), to collect your feedback which means that we will share your name, email address and reference number with Trustpilot for the Purpose. If you want to read more about how Trustpilot process your data, you can find their Privacy Policy here.

Go AllWhite AB may also use such reviews in other promotional material and media for our advertising and promotional purposes.

6. Newsletter subscription & loyalty program

If you subscribe to our newsletter or our loyalty program, you give your consent to receive information from us at Go AllWhite AB. This information could be promotions, news regarding a product or our service to name a few examples. You can at any given moment decline to receive information. This can be done by following the unsubscribe or stop text messaging links. You can also send us an email at info@GoAllWhite.com with the subject: unsubscribe from (mail, SMS) and include your e-mail address and/or registered phone number.

7. Your Rights As Registered

When we collect and process your personal data, you have certain rights. You have the right to:
• Request an extract of the personal data the company processes as well as the way they are processed
• Request correction of any incorrect information
• Request to be deleted. However, this can only be carried out provided that the company is not entitled to retain the data on any other legal basis
• Request that treatment be restricted in certain circumstances, e.g. meanwhile, a question as to whether data is correct or not is being investigated and When the Data Protection Regulation begins to apply, exercise the right to data portability.

Intellectual property rights

The Member is responsible for ensuring that the Member has the right to use the material posted by the Member on GoAllWhite.com and that the posting does not infringe the intellectual property rights of another. In the event that a claim is made against GoAllWhite.com as a result of material published by a member infringing the intellectual property rights of another, the member shall indemnify GoAllWhite.com.

Members are encouraged to respect each other by not copying and using other members’ material, GoAllWhite.com cannot guarantee that copying and reuse of material will not be made by others. Members post all material at their own risk and cannot hold GoAllWhite.com liable for any infringement by third parties of the member’s intellectual property rights.

Access and operation

GoAllWhite.com does not guarantee continuous, uninterrupted or secure access to GoAllWhite.com and does not make any warranties regarding the functionality or availability of the Platform.

Law choice

UK law shall apply to all dealings between GoAllWhite.com and the members.

8. Newsletter subscription & loyalty program

We take appropriate technical and organizational information security measures to prevent and limit the risks associated with disclosing personal information such as unauthorized access, disclosure, abuse, alteration and destruction. Only authorized personnel bound by confidentiality have access to identifiable personal data.
We will not disclose your personal information to third parties unless you have consented to it or if it is not necessary to fulfil our obligations under contract or law. In cases where we disclose personal data to third parties, we establish confidentiality agreements and ensure that personal data is processed in a satisfactory manner.

9. Cookies

According to the Privacy and Electronic Regulation (PECR) and Data Protection Act 2018, visitors to a website shall be informed about the use of so-called cookies and have the option to prevent them from being used.A cookie is a small text file (usually smaller than 1 kB) that is saved on your computer and stores information. Cookies are used to improve the website performance for the user, among other purposes.

Our website uses a friendly version of cookies, so-called session cookies. When you are surfing a web page, session cookies are sent between your computer and our server to enable them to exchange information. This might, for example, be what you have placed in your basket, or whether you are logged into My pages.

We do not save any personal data via session cookies. Session cookies are not stored permanently on your computer, instead, they disappear when you close your browser. There are safety settings on most browsers that can de-activate session cookies. Usually, you can also remove any session cookies that have already been saved.

If you choose not to accept session cookies on our website, the website will not function satisfactorily. When visiting this website, your IP address is automatically registered to measure the visit frequency.

10. Contact us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at info@goallwhite.com